• Lab Experiments - Absorption of nutrients

    Sudents had the chance to simulate the digestion of starch in the laboratory. 

    Chemistry in the Kitchen

    Chemistry teachers from Secondaryschool organized a molecular cooking class. Synthetic spaghetti and caviar was the final product.

    Carnival Parade

    Carnival is important at our school. This year's theme was "multiculturalism and inclusion". Some classes dressed up in traditional costumes from the partner countries.




    T-Shirt Exhibition

    All classes participated in the T-Shirt activity. Athe end we had a beautiful exhibition.



    Readers Week

    "Words of the World" was the issue of our Readers Week. Some pupils tried to find out names of everyday objects in the language of the partners and  labelled them.

    Translation Exercises

    The questionnaire and the glossary was translated by students with the help of English Teacher Sónia Emiliano.

    Sport Tests 

    All students from 8th grade made sport tests. All tests wiill be repeated by the end of the school year.

    Meeting and Workshop with a Nutricionist

    Vitor Brochado from Porto University came to school to talk about heathy and unhealthy eating habits.


    Awareness Action

    Good feeding practice awareness action for parents of our students who integrate our Unit for Severely Disabled Students, held by the school's speech therapist Margarida Ribeiro.




    ​Anti-tobaco Action

    Anti-tobaco sessions organised by the Science Teacher Cristina Pereira with the contributions of  nurses from the local Medical Centre. 

    Healthy Eating Week

    The whole school participated in our first activity integrated in the project. It was about Healthy Eating. Activities: Puppet Theatre, Exhibitions, Soup contest and presentations by students.

    HEW - Presentations






    HEW -  Soup Contest



    HEW - Puppet Show


    Healthy Eating Week - Living Food Pyramid


    HEW - Kindergarden soup