Project Activities Planning

  • Etwinning project 2015-2016

    WWI: let's Work Wisely as One


    Sept-Oct: Get to know each other

    MP3 presentation of our pupils

    Pupils write an email to a member of their group to get to know him/her and ask for a picture (→ Teachers: we can create a table to make sure that each member of a group gets an email). They then realize a mp3 file with what they’ve learned (Ex:, Audacity). It’s uploaded along with a picture of their penpal using and embedded on the twinspace forum. Some are chosen to be shown on a public twinspace page.

    Online survey about WWI

    Then, everyone answers to an online questionnaire about WWI (→ done by the teachers on Google form) to see what the pupils actually know about it at the beginning of this project. Teachers make a poster to summary the results ( It is uploaded on a public twinspace page.

    Or we could do a quiz all together at the same time using or Kahoot !

    Logo contest

    Each school (each group???) creates a logo for the project. We then invite all our schools, included parents, other pupils, teachers, etc. to vote for their favorite on a twinspace page with these logos on a Google form, so that everyone gets to know our project “website”. The winner becomes the logo with use on the Twinspace. It is uploaded on a public twinspace page.



    Nov-Dec: Propaganda

    Describe a propaganda poster

    Each group searches for propaganda posters from their country during WWI. They add them on their forum.

    Each pupil has to describe orally ( or another webtool like a propaganda poster from another country uploaded by a member of his group. Each pupil has to comment (it can be done orally, for ie with the work of three members from three different countries of his group: how does he feel about this piece of propaganda? Are there things he doesn’t understand? Things he doesn’t agree with? Things he wants to add?


    Jan-May: WWI history through our local areas/countries

    Picture of war memorial

    Each partner visits and photographs his local war memorial(s). It could be great to go there on the 11th of November... These pictures are uploaded. Looking at the local war memorial, each pupil chooses one local soldier to work on.


    Do research about their country

    Each school research informations and pictures about WWI in their own local area/country. They translate everything in English an upload all their findings.

    Organizing the findings of all countries

    Then, each group uses all that has been uploaded to create a slideshow about WWI in the different countries. They also have to create a quiz (Google Form) about their work for the people that will watch their presentation.


    Online survey

    All pupil will take the online survey again (the one they also did at the beginning of this project) to see if their knowledge has increased.)


    End results

    1- The best works will be published on the twinspace.

    2- An online slideshow created with the best students’ productions

    3- All through the year, students will share what they learn by uploaded their works on the school website and by making a WWI corridor at school

    4- They also prepare an exhibition for open doors day to display what they’ve done and learned.