Project schedule

  • October/ November


    1.Break the ice!.

    - Creating profiles with pictures (TwinSpace)

    - What's your favourite piece of technology? (answergarden, kagul, mentimeter)

    - Free discussions on Forum       

    2.  Picture yourself as a tech user! - to build commonality around a topic  (padlet, dotstorming)

    a) Students pair up, photograph themselves surrounded by electronic gadgets to express their attitude- show how much they enjoy or depend on modern devices: desktops, laptops, cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, game consoles, e-book readers.

    b) Comments and reactions - the others try to guess, leave comments about their peers' technology habits




    There'are around 100 students should spread them into groups of 10 asap.

    Forming transnational teams (2+2+2+2 students) 1. social media scrolls, 2. digital zombies, 3.....

    4.Team research

    They will discuss the issues in Forums and live chats

    a) Teams brainstorm advantages and disadvantages on their Team's Page, fill in the grid and vote for best arguments, next they introduce the best ideas on Tricider.

    b) "Spread some Christmas cheers" - exchanging virtual gifts in Advent Calendar  At this stage they won't be ready to offer advice.(What could be the gifts?  useful devices and apps to be for entertainment  and studying?
    c)Students' reactions
    underneath the calendar (on padlet wall) and presented as one common infographic: "The apps we love"


    December / January  (Group PL go on a 2-week winter break)


    5. Let's take a poll

    Students prepare and carry out researchto find out if their schoolmates are aware of negative influence of technology (online questionnaire to survey the whole school community)

    Teams brainstorm which of negative aspects of Influence of technology they want to study:

    1. Googleable materials

    2. Cell phones in the classroom

    3. Cell phones in public places

    4. The influence of sociacial media

    5. Students' safety on the internet

    6. Mobile phones and concentration........etc.




    6. Looking for solutions

    How to break soul-sucking technology habits?

    a) Watch  TED x:  for inspiration

    discuss in teams

    a) live chat to brainstorm solutions?

    b) Teams discuss and present the best possible solutions in one common Infographic - THE RULES FOR RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY:

    It could also be an interactive image with or a poster or infographic with Canva (or any other tool).




    7. Let's create  - students express themselves through a variety of media. 

    Tasks are assigned by drawing lots (tool: classroom tools - wheel of fortune). The teams will :

    • record radio-programme / podcast

    • film TV chat show

    • create video co-productions (Country A: records and uploads a film => Country B: records voice-over to match the scenes =>  Country C: adds background music with sound effects.

    • "Losing it for a day" - Sts imagine a day when technology failed or caused a disaster in their lives (computer crashed,   mobile got stolen, etc.)

    • "Before we lived life in front of a screen" - students use their imagination and create a film on life without technology

    • students create a response to the problem, like an appeal for a change: How? a collaborative script, a few actors per country and in    the end all scenes montaged together, music + sound effects.

    • "A screen free challenge" in teams each country members film themselves unplug their devices for 1 hour a day

    • video tutorials How to ....

    • presentations (Adobe Spark Video)

    • collaboratively created Haikus, cinquain poems (tool: MeetingWords)




    Creating final production -

    Survival guide for teenager in 21 century containing all audiovisual materials produced (tool: Madmagz or Joomag) ???


    May/ June


    Project assessment and vote for the best material created
