• The idea of the project comes out from a reflection on risky behaviour that youngsters are running in their daily lifestyle such as inactivity, bad eating, smoking which can cause serious health problems; wrong attitude against people of different race, sexual inclination or different cultures; indifference and low integration towards youth with disability. 
    The main goal of the exchange is to adapt learning programmes in the participating school considering sport practice, outdoor physical activities, healthy lifestyle education, inclusion and integration as an instrument to face this items in order to increase students' awareness about risky behaviour, fighting against addictions to boost physical and psychological wellbeing, guarantee equal rights and opportunities to students with disabilities, foster the integration of people of different race and backgrounds.

    Through this project we would like to improve the way of looking at diversity as a chance to improve themselves and others, discuss how different countries cope with social inclusion and equal opportunities, fostering integration and equal rights, allowing awareness-raising about the problem of disability.
    The project will be carried out transnationally to allow schools to reflect and work together on the topics, exchange good practices, find solutions to common problems, define shared working methods to be used permanently in the future and spread out to other schools,  find the best DEOR activities to increase the impact of the project.

    The project will be lead and developed through the action of two main working committees composed of teachers and students,  having the leading role in the project, organizing the activities in each school. Some of these students will deepen the topic during specific learning activities (short term mobilities) in a hosting school so that they can increase their contribute to the project comparing the different ways to achieve the goals in the partner schools and transfer new competencies to their schoolmates when back to their schools for the second part of the topic activities.