Armenia Vanadzor 19 school

  •  Demeter, the Greek. - The goddess of fertility and agriculture, the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, sister of Zeus, mother of Persephone. Beloved daughter of Demeter Persephone loved Hades stole her hidden deep in the abyss of the underworld.
    Inconsolable Demeter went in search of her daughter. Taking the form of a mortal woman, she left the sky, came to the city of Eleusis and began to educate children of the king and Kehl Metanira. Wanting to make the younger son Metanira immortal, she at night lowered it into the fire, and thus destroyed the death of the body. Mother once waylaid Demeter and saw what she was doing. Grabbing the baby, lying in the fire, she screamed terribly, and it violated the entire ceremony, the child died, and the mother realized that before her goddess. Metanira eldest son, Treptolem, Demeter produced chariot, which harnessed winged dragons. She gave him a grain of wheat, and, rising into the sky, he sowed the whole earth.
    While Demeter traveled in search of her daughter, the land ceased to give birth, withered trees and grass, killing herds famine. Then Zeus ordered the return of Persephone, but before she left Hades gave her to eat a pomegranate seed, a symbol of marriage, she did not forget to life in the underworld. So it happened Persephone began to spend the summer months on the ground, and winter in the underworld of Hades.
    In Eleusis was built temple of Demeter, and once a year for nine days (in September) committed Eleusinian mysteries, symbolically representing the grief of Demeter and the search for her daughter. In Rome, Demeter called Ceres.