
  • 1.Group 1

    Survey - 21 students filled out our survey.

    Below you will be able to see the results we have received.Thank you for your participation!

     Please have a look at this file:

    2.Group 4

    Survey- 12 students delivered their answers


    We were trying to paste all the tables/ graphs here, but it was not working.

    We suggest uploading doc files presenting all the data!


    Group 1:

    These are the results. Thanks for your answers!


    Group 2:

    Here you have the results of our survey. Thanks!

    Group 3:

    These are the results of the survey. Have a look!

    Group 4:

    Here are the results of our survey. Thank you very much for your help!


    Group 1

    Group 2

    Montenero Italy