Bucharest ROMANIA

  • Iulia Hasdeu National College 

    | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |

      ‘Iulia Hasdeu’ National College is one of the elite highschools of Bucharest and is both a witness of our cultural history and a place of spiritual values and educational emulation. Founded in 1926, passing through several historical periods and cultural knowledge of different educational formulas, the highschool continues the democratic tradition of the Romanian education system under the patronage of the Royal House of Romania.
      Iulia Hasdeu National College is located in the 2nd district of Bucharest, Romania in Europe, where there are 112 schools.
      Our college operates in the building situated on 91th, Ferdinand Blvd., district 2, for 90 years (this year on 10th of May, our college will celebrate 90  years of certificated documentation) - a reinforced, rejuvenated, extended and equipped building at an European level, but with its specific architecture preserved.
      In this college 1,000 students are guided by 60 teachers.
      Educated in the spirit of social freedom and cultural rights, of individual responsibility and group tolerance, of integration and preservation of spiritual treasure, cultural and social values in the European and worldwide reality, the students of our school will be distinguished by respect for tradition and ethnic continuity and are equally characterized by a spirit of initiative, creativity and responsiveness to what is new, being able to provide the best conditions for a normal and prosperous community life, when they become adults.
      Students and teachers conduct an intense educational process, both in terms of school activities and extracurricular activities.    Students are involved in many training programs, training and development projects which are on a national and international scale.
     Eratosthenes 2016 addresses the international project integration and interdisciplinary curriculum with the opportunity of permanent feedback, so it has attracted student’s will to experiment and to engage.
     The student’s extracurricular projects increase their self-confidence, develop creative thinking, increase their optimism. These are the ingredients of a successful career and we, the teachers, enjoy this process.
     Eratosthenes is an exciting adventure - where students enjoy scientific experience, collaborate and communicate with their partners throughout the world. It’s an amazing experience for us.
     So thanks to all partners participating in this project.
    ’Eratosthenes' idea for measuring the circumference of the Earth represents a challenge for both students and teachers because it includes concepts, knowledge and transdisciplinary understandings, but also the realization of a portfolio which leads to everyone’s involvement. It helps schools to communicate at a worldwide level which demonstrates that for solving the problems that occurred in the activities’ tasks from the project, it is necessary that all the knowledge should be assimilated by the students during the educational process: of mathematics, geography, astronomy and of using e-learning and foreign languages software programs.
    In order for the experiment to succeed it is necessary for the students to work in teams, to communicate, to interact efficiently and to operatively answer the group’s tasks, to develop the group’s creative ideas because each project brings with it self the experience of contact with the others and the joy of the - outcome. It is a way of fighting against the abatement of daily routine.
    We are open to future and pleasant projects!
    „Ideea lui Eratosthenes pentru măsurarea circumferinței Pământului reprezintă o provocare atât pentru elevi, cât și pentru profesori, deoarece necesită concepte, cunoștințe și înțelegeri transdisciplinare, dar și realizarea unui portofoliu la care își aduce contribuția toate persoanele implicate. Ajută școlile să relaționeze realizând parteneriate, iar elevii să-și facă prieteni noi în întreaga lume ! Realizarea experimentului științific "Eratosthenes" la nivel mondial demonstrează că pentru rezolvarea problemelor apărute în cerințele activităților din proiect, este nevoie de o abordare intra si transdisciplinară, cu posibilitatea integrării activităților în curriculum ca și aprecierea colegilor din școlile partenere le-a stârnit interesul pentru acest proiect. Pentru ca acest experiment să reușească elevii lucrează în echipă, comunică, interacţionează eficient, răspund operativ la cerinţelor grupului, să dezvolte creativ ideile din grup, deoarece fiecare proiect  aduce cu sine experienţa contactului cu ceilalţi şi bucuria de a beneficia de sprijinul acestora.
    Implicarea directă a elevilor in proiectul internațional Eratosthene 2016, le crește  elevilor încrederea în sine, le întărește voința, le dezvoltă gândirea abstractă și pozitivă și aceastea sunt ingredintele definitorii ale oamenilor de succes.
    Suntem deschiși spre viitoarele proiecte!


    April   [ top ⇑ ]

    Date Gnomon(cm) Shadow(cm) Angle(°)
    01 April 100 82.8 39.6
    04 April 100 79 38.3
    05 April 100 78.8 38.2
    07 April 100 76 37.2
    13 April 100 71 35.3





    March   [ top ⇑ ]

    Date Gnomon(cm) Shadow(cm) Angle(°)
    17 March 100 102 45.6
    18 March 100 100.6 45.2
    21 March 100 96.4 44.0
    22 March 100 95.1 43.6
    28 March 100 87 41.0
    30 March 100 85 40.4
    31 March 100 84 40.0