http://ambaixadacatalanaetwinning.blogspot.com.es/2014/10/curs-de-formacio-de-centre-sobre.html  iN CATALAN

    http://embajadoresetwinning.blogspot.com.es/2014/10/curso-de-formacion-de-centro-sobre.html: IN SPANISH




    El proyecto EUROTEACHERS TEAM UP, realizado por diferentes centros escolares y con la colaboración de Embajadores de toda Europa, ha obtenido un Premio Nacional eTwinning en Italia.
    La ceremonia ha tenido lugar el viernes 4 de diciembre de 2015.
    Cuatro embajadores españoles tomaron parte en el proyecto: Mela Rodríguez, Florencia Sales, Isabel Vila y Marta Pey.


    A. Pallavacini, Clara Báez, Brigida Clemente i Elena Pezzi, en el momento de la'entrega.






    link al Twinspace del project: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/1284/home


     video en streaming de la entrega de premios en Florencia: minutos 1.29 i 1.48.






    link al Twinspace del projecte: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/1284/home




    Marta Pey:

    III Encuentro de Embajadores, Madrid 19-20 Mayo.

    Connecting to Elena Pezzi and Irene Pateraki, European Ambassadors.


    Pictures of the event: 

    Elena Pezzi vía Webex

    Mela Rodríguez:


    Xornadas e-twinning in Galicia 

    On the 29th of November 2014 I had the pleasure to cooperate at Xornadas e-twining in Galicia together with Susana Vázquez and Marcos Vence Galician ambassadors, Angel Sebastián Junquera member of the Galician support service, D. Manuel Corredoira Gral director of Innovation Department at Xunta de Galicia and Pilar Antolín, member of the Spanish NSS. There were more than 200 hundred assistants which were enthusiastic about this program and eager to learn and cooperate.

    The program had three workshops about the twinspace leaded by the three ambassadors where I could show this twinspace as an example of good practices.                                                                                                                         


    As you can see from the images , it was crowded and assistants found very inspiring the way this course has been designed and the richnesss and possibilities this experience offers its members to learn and share experiences at the same time.We also used TUXPAINT to create our student profile images.