• January Activity: Working on Winter. Class 2A and Class 2B

    This job was made connected with the topic weather in Science subject.
    During the month of February (We are a little behind) Children took some pictures of the class calendar, the playground and of the town. On this way they could show the winter's weather here in Spain. Afte that Children work on the computer to make a document like a booklet using these pictures. Children worked on Google drive and in it Google docs.
    Children worked in pairs. They learnt how to open this document and how to go to their page. They could see their peers' job, respected them and got some ideas from them to improve their own work. They learnt how to use some basic tools of this type of document: insert pictures, write sentences, decorate with lines, change colours, format, etc.
    Here there is an example of one of the pages children were working on.