My world in the media world

Media literacy is considered one of the most important forms of literacy in the 21st century. Media competencies are essential not only for adults, but also for children from an early age. That is why it is important to encourage media education and thus encourage critical evaluation of the media to which students are exposed from an early age. The project activities would influence children to be able to recognize and distinguish between positive and negative media content and to become aware of the possible impact of such content on them and their peers. Media literacy means "accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating content" (Aufderheide, 1992: 3). This means that media users, children and adults alike: a) have access to the media and know how to use them; b) know how to evaluate and critically analyze different media content in order to be able to interpret messages; c) develop their own media content to exercise their communication rights, but also become active participants in society by expressing their views and opinions on the world around them. This interpretation will also be the basis for project activities, which will include: 1. Getting to know different types of media (print and electronic - film, radio, TV, internet) 2. what values, ideas and information are conveyed to the media content, their credibility, reliability and truthfulness and making responsible decisions 3. making simple, age appropriate students' media content of different types (articles, interviews, news, comics, videos, articles in web 2.0 tools) and presenting them to project participants. Collaboration with other schools involved in the project will primarily take place through the eTwinning portal. The e-Twinning portal itself will be an example of the positive use of child-friendly media. Given the theme of the project, this media space will be ideal for sharing and presenting student activities and projects. Also, the Twinspace project will become a collection of children's works created in the final phase of the project.

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