The Tree That Will Save The World


The tree that will save the world ... Paulownia will be chosen as the tree in the project.Increasing air pollution in our world is a serious global problem. The reason this tree species was chosen is because it absorbs 10 times more carbon dioxide and produces more oxygen than other trees. Within the scope of the project, it is essential that each student do the necessary work to germinate a seedling within the scope of the facilities of the schools that are partners in the project.Tree seeds will be supplied first, and students and parents will be informed about germination. Every kind of care of the saplings will be done by the student and the saplings will be grown.. If the seedlings do not grow until the planting period, the children will be given the responsibility to grow them by procuring saplings from the provincial directorates of Agriculture and planting them in the gardens of the school garden or their own homes.Objectives: children will contribute to environmental beautific

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