Team 5

  • The team-members:

      Anna, Emma, Charlotte and Elien

     Alessia, Elena and Serena


    The real-life situation of a collision:

    Collision of a tennis ball: We will hit a tennis ball once with a tennis racket, once with our hands and once with a baseball bat and study which equipment will cause the biggest impact on the ball.

    The protocol of the experiment
    "Orientation and Preparation"



    The scientific report:

    scientific report team 5


  • Pictures and videos taken during the experiment

    Team picture
    Video3-Italian Experiment
    Video1-Italian Experiment
    Materials image-Italy
    Video2-Italian experiment
    Video tennis racket team 5 (Belgium)
    Video baseball bat team 5 (Belgium)
    Video hand team 5 (Belgium)
    International team 5 picture