Plans for dissemination and use of project results.

  • uWe will implement dissemination and use of project results trough:
    u- Meetings with parents in order to explain them what we are going to do.
    u- Sending letters and meetings with local institutions, local famous athletes and local cultural communities.
    u- Creation of a Twinspace for the project at the Etwinning platform.
    u- Creation of our project's whatsup group to put all activities done at partner schools
    u- A Common European Trip books representing habitats.
    u- Meetings with educative communities during transnational meetings.
    u- Erasmus+ corner
    u- Erasmus+ meetings for teachers and parents
    u- Small handbooks about fair play
    u- Permanent exhibitions at school
    u- Open days and visits by pupils from other schools
    u- Short performance of play game about coding
    uOther school in the area and other organization will benefit from the results of our project through an open visual space where we will display all our project results, photos and activities. We intend to promote the free access for the public , through web site, WhatsApp group and a Twinspace for the project at the Etwinning platform.