How will the participation in this project contribute to the development of the involved schools in the long-term? Do you have plans to continue using the results of the project or continue to implement some of the activities after the project's end?

  • uWe will hold seminars in the participating schools to present the results, experiences and products of partnership. We will also publish them on webpages, on partner corner in the schools. We will publish the photos in these corners to increase the awareness about "EDUCATION TO SUSTAINABILITY". The main objective of the Erasmus + Program is to bring a little bit of United European community into every school of participating organizations. It is vital to announce and advertise widely the common results of the partnership. We will be fully engaged with the aim to popularize the final product of our cooperation. We will create a web-site, where students and teachers will be able to presents various steps of working on the project. - A partner corner will display continuously information about the project and its advancement - There will be debates to evaluate each step of the project - Disseminate our experience among colleagues in our school (through Power Point Presentation and lessons learned web site) - Design an informative European gallery in the school. - Integrate the project in such classes as ICT. - Experts in "EDUCATION TO SUSTAINABILITY" will make our partnership known. - Present our partnership and our work in different meetings (such as teachers meetings). - Disseminate our experience among colleagues in other schools (Power Point Presentation). - Distribute CDs and DVDs, calendars of the project among schools in our area. Wider lifelong community - The website will be the best to disseminate our work. - Present the project on the sites of e-languages, e-twinning and global gateway.