The tasks and responsibilities of each partner school.

  • u1.Social media (videoteleconference, skype, email) and whatsapp groups will be used for communication.
    u2.Each partner will constitute a local steering committee. These committees will pursue the project and the planned activities. They will meet every two months to review the progress of project running properly. A representative will be chosen for an international steering committee by each local committee. The coordinating institutions will be responsible for the general management of the project.
    u3. We made SWOT analysis to define organizational weakness and strengths that is useful for our project when we distribute the responsibilities among partner:
    u-The partners from Bulgary will be responsible for Dissemination part. They will organize a dissemination plan about how the project will share outcomes with partners and relevant institutions and organizations. They will be responsible for raising awareness, informing and educating the community.
    u-The school from Turkey have enough possibilities, experience and qualified staff to build a project web site.
    u-The school from Estonia build a Twinspace at Etwinning platform for all partners to put outcomes on website and reach the public. This web page will also cover the lessons learned.
    u -The school from Greek will be responsible for evaluation part in the project.
    u-Italy will be the general coordinator of the project management and will be responsible for the communicaiton and the collabaration efforts, for monitorin, evaluation and the inspection of the project activities.
    u4. Each partner school will build a team responsible for all the project activities from the beginning to the end and they will share detailed plan. We will hold regular meetings with agenda items and minutes to keep the whole team informed. Each school will determine some criteria to choose the staff (experienced and the most hardworking) and pupils (according to their ages, experience , knowledge and interests) to achieve project aims. Finally, we will introduce our pupils to the other partner schools and we will work on what country are they from, where are they located in Europe, what language do they speak, etc.