Who will take part in the project:

  • uThe present project foresees as a reference target the educators (teachers, Teams, School Executives) who through their in itinere training can transfer the skills acquired to their students. The "transfer" will be progressive in the forms or initially of the traditional type and then gradually according to the methods used in the context of virtual classrooms, such as Flipped classroom, Pee to peer, Cooperative learning, computational thinking .... The cooperative learning methodology that works in small groups will be preferred (3-4 people) activate cooperation and learning control, both the development of social skills. It is a modality of democratic management of the class centered on heterogeneous and constructive working groups, on the effective positive interdependence of roles, on equality of the chances of success for all. Cooperative learning creates a non-competitive, specialized educational context responsible and collaborative, productive of cognitive processes of a higher order. We will involve the pupils from the age of 5 to 14 years for the school activities, instead we will involve for the short mobilities children from 5 to 14 years. The path promotes creative attitudes in students, communication skills, cooperation and group work. It favors the learning of a method for reasoning and experiencing the world. The creation of interdisciplinary application modules in existing programs makes it possible to actively and consciously and motivate pupils to hire examination of respectful citizens of the environment. In every activity the pupils will build, plan, do research, write, communicate. In this way they can develop different skills, acquire new skills and expand their interests.