eTwinning project

  • uWe used Etwinning platform for the collaboration between schools within the Key Action 2 "Cooperation for innovation and good practice" of the European Erasmus + program, with the aim of promoting, through its tools and methodologies, the quality and impact of collaborative and mobility experiences. The platform support us in the preparatory phase and in the following phase, to give continuity to the project results. ETwinning will be a useful tool for: Find partners / host institutions abroad to work with. The search for partners is supported by tools that allow you to explore the individual pages of registered teachers and propose their own ideas; Prepare the departing staff by creating an eTwinning project with the host institution, to improve communication and to agree on the activities to be carried out during the mobility, to involve the staff that remains in place; Collaborate between classes to get to know each other, using web tools to design and collaborate also in preparation for an Erasmus + strategic partnership; Support and continue the strategic partnership "twining" the partner institutions, and building online didactic paths integrated in the school time, adaptable to each class and discipline.
    uThe project will be planned, activated and implemented through the Etwinning cross-platform and will provide for a virtual distance collaboration between teachers and pupils, using the eTwinning platform and in general ICT. The project will be approved if the TwinSpace, a private space accessed only the project members (founders and partners) can be invited in the TwinSpace to the students and any visitors (eg parents, people who collaborate in the project but who can not register in eTwinning). The TwinSpace offers a series of tools for communicating, sharing materials and collaborating remotely (e.g. media file, forums, web pages, internal mail, chat, video conferencing). At the end of the project, the Certificate of Quality (or Quality Label) and the eTwinning Award will be requested.