The planned activities going to lead to achievement of the project's objectives

  • uThe planning system in question pays particular attention to the increasingly widfespread dissemination of the foundamental principles and concepts of the quality of development and design of "Paths aimed at acquiring key citizenship skills"; "In particular social and civic competences include personal, interpersonal and intercultural skills and concern all forms of behavior that allow people to participate in an effective and constructive way to social and work life, and to resolve conflicts where this is necessary". (Recommendation of the Parliament European Parliament and of the Council on key competences for learning permanent - 2006 and 2018 ). Also in the INDICATIONS FOR THE CURRICULUM for kindergarten and for the first cycle of education (MPI 2012-2018) "Citizenship education is promoted through significant experiences that allow the concrete taking care of themselves, of the others and the environment and fostering forms of cooperation and solidarity". Among the objectives there is therefore "that of orienting the educational activity, ... through a strong involvement of the school world in the deepening of environmental issues, stimulating sensitivity of children and adolescents to make them protagonists of contact experiences direct with nature "and" on the theme of human-environmental interdependence ", which requires a "complex vision of the environment" and, on the plane methodological-didactic, the assumption of a broader perspective that allows the overcoming of the fragmentation of the disciplines in favor of an integration of knowledge: it is the perspective of planning or, in logic of sustainable education, of ecological planning, which takes into account needs, explore values, is systemic, participatory, open and in constant evolution. Sustainable education refers to the need to re-think the school in ecological perspective: a school that promotes knowledge for life, it is attentive to the quality of the relationship, it favors inclusion and develops competences.