A short summary of project

  • uThe term "EDUCATION TO SUSTAINABILITY" was proposed by the English Stephen Sterling and "Indicates an education that, in addition to ensuring the full development of people, is equipped to deal with people's development in a critical and creative way the difficulties and the challenges of life and supports changes that lead to a better society and a more peaceful world". Sustainable development, lifelong learning and education for global citizenship means:
    u- Education for sustainable development can be considered a process of continuous learning, in which humanity finds new ways of living with the planet through a real environmental, social and environmental challenge economic.
    u-The basis for the development of a company is found in lifelong learning sustainable, which entrusts the task of to innovate the practices and the alliances between the different cultures of the people of which it is composed the human family to combine the challenge of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030.
    u-With this in mind, the need to develop a sense of belonging a wider community and a common humanity that includes political, economic, social and cultural interdependence and interconnection between local, national and global through global citizenship education.
    u- UNESCO has called for a joint work on the new definition of Global Citizenship Education, which, following the UN summit of the September 2015, became the intercultural and world reference point. Education for global citizenship means the set of information activities, sensitization, training and education that they face different themes such as peace, democracy, the protection of human rights, the environment, diversity, justice economic and social life and which are aimed at strengthening in children, and in boys and girls and adults global dimension of their citizenship.
    u-The task of "Educating for global citizenship in the school "around the world will be guided in the next 15 years from the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030
    uIn accord to the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development that is an action program with 17 Goals for people, the planet and the prosperity, the project wants achieve the objective number 4. Provide quality, fair education and inclusive, and learning opportunities for everyone.
    uA quality education is the basis to improve people's lives and reach sustainable development. It pursues the strengthening of universal peace in one greater freedom for humanity and the planet: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.
    uThis structured action allows participants to improve their skills in a practical and concrete way together with other participants and trainers throughout all Europe thus gaining as well a broader understanding of education in Europe and exchanging best practices and experiences. The general aim of this action is to foster excellence in education by empowering teachers, trainers, headmasters and other education staff to "develope the sustainable development".
    uThe course has a flexible approach in order to adapt the learning outcomes to the particular needs and profile of the participants. Thanks to this course the participants will:
    u-Develope attitudes, behaviors, values, knowledge and essential skills to live in a interdependent world;
    u- Observe the local environment for grasp its characteristics and elements of vulnerability;
    u- Motivate pupils to hire behaviors of respectful citizens of own Environment; -Promote the protection of the environment and increase the knowledge of the separate collection and del recycling / recovery of packaging in plastic;
    u-Favore the growth of a mentality ecological;
    u-Take conscience that in the environmental protection is the future man;
    u- Educate to complexity;
    u- Enhance the concept of health as a precious commodity;
    u- Know the criteria of effectiveness for the promotion of healthy lifestyles;
    u- Understand the incidence of one healthy nutrition on well-being physical and mental;
    u- Prevent disturbances power;
    u- Become aware of the growth of the own body in the transition from children to teenagers;
    u-Sensitize, engage and empowering families around centrality of prevention and of the healthy school-age choices;
    u- Promote the acquisition of identity personal, civil and social;
    u- Recognize the value of the rules that regulate civil cohabitation;
    u- Acquire responsible behaviors ;
    u- Be aware of your own where were you;
    u-Acquisire, internalize and get used;
    -Held conferences and debate on culture to legality