CLIL - Civics Education




    November 2019


    Liceul Tehnologic Octavian Goga Jibou, Romania

    Civics Education CLIL RO_1.docx

    School: Liceul Tehnologic Octavian Goga Jibou, Romania

    Age of students/Grade: 11 years old /5th grade

    Level of English: A1


    Teacher(s): Nagy Melinda

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: Good Students



    • To listen and read for specific information
    • To read for key information
    • To consolidate information in a text


    Teaching points:




    • pay attention

    • realise

    • set a limit

    • waste

    • respect

    • polite

    • raise your hand

    • treat

    • Being a good student
    • “Respect yourself and others will respect you.”
    • Planning your time
    • Taking care of yourself




    Resources: Videoprojector, laptop, tablets, handouts of the text, speakers


    Description of the activities:

    Activity 1: To listen and read for specific information

     • Ss look at the picture and read the title of the text and the headings.

     •Ss guess what they will read about.

     •T plays the recording. Ss listen and read and find out.

    Activity 2: To read for key information

     • T gives Ss time to read the text again and match the headings to the paragraphs.

     • T checks Ss’answers.

    Activity 3: To consolidate information in a text

     • T asks Ss to discuss in pairs how they think they are a good student and what things from the text they feel they have to work on.

     • T asks various Ss to share their answers with the class.

    Activity 4: Poster creation

    • Ss work in groups of 4 and create a poster with the title “How to be a good student”
    • Ss present their work


    Supplementary materials (books, links, etc).

    “Right On” – textbook for the 6th grade, Express Publishing, page 26



    CLIL Lesson Plan

    Civics Education CLIL LT_3.docx



    School: Vilniaus Sausio 13-osios progimnazija, Lithuania

    Age of students/Grade: 11 years old /5th grade

    Level of English: A1


    Teacher(s): Šunina Žana

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: Our Precious Planet!



    • To learn topic-related vocabulary
    • To listen and read for specific information
    • To read for key information
    • To consolidate information in a text


    Teaching points:




    • drop litter

    • chemicals

    • rubbish

    • recycle

    • pollution

    • rainforest

    • take care of

    • cause

    • ocean

    • save electricity

    • campaign

    • must/mustn’t

    • Water pollution
    • Air pollution
    • Destruction of forests





    Resources: Videoprojector, laptop, handouts of the text, speakers


    Description of the activities:

    Activity 1: To learn topic-related vocabulary

    • T points to pictures and says the appropriate words. Ss repeat chorally and individually.

    Activity 2: To listen and read for specific information

     • T plays the recording. Ss listen to the article and read it to choose the correct alternative to fill in the blanks in sentences 1-5 (ANNEX 1).

    Activity 3: To read for key information

     • T gives Ss time to read the text again and complete the table (ANNEX 2).

     • T checks the answers.

     • Ss use the table to talk about pollution.

    Activity 4: To consolidate information in a text

     • T asks Ss to discuss in pairs what must we do to keep our planet clean and healthy.

     • T asks various Ss to share their answers with the class.

    Activity 5: Poster creation

    • Ss work in groups of 4 and create a poster with the title “Helping the Earth”.
    • Ss present their work.


    Supplementary materials (books, links, etc).

    “Welcome 3” – textbook for the 5th grade, Express Publishing, pages 78-79.






    FEBRUARY 2020


    Liceul Tehnologic Octavian Goga Jibou, Romania

    Civics education 2 RO.docx

    School: Liceul Tehnologic Octavian Goga Jibou, Romania

    Age of students/Grade: 11 years old /5th grade

    Level of English: A1

    Teacher(s): Nagy Melinda

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: Public Behaviour



    • Presenting vocabulary for gestures
    • Talking about gestures; practising new vocabulary
    • Predicting the content of a text; listening and reading for gist
    • Reading for specific information
    • Comparing gestures in two countries
    • Preparing a collage




    • Gestures and their meanings in different countries
    • Body language around the world
    • Offensive
    • Guide
    • Check out
    • Rude
    • Catch sb’s eyes
    • Stick out your tongue



    Resources: Videoprojector, laptop, tablets, handouts of the text, speakers


    Description of the activities:

    Activity 1: Presenting vocabulary for gestures

     • T asks Ss to look at the pictures.

     • T plays the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually.

     • T checks Ss’ pronunciation and intonation

    Activity 2: Talking about gestures; practising new vocabulary

     • T explains the task and read out the example.

     • T elicits similar sentences from Ss around the class

    Activity 3: Predicting the content of a text; listening and reading for gist

     • T asks Ss to look at the title of the guide extract and the first paragraph and elicit Ss' guesses as to what it is about.

     • T gives Ss time to listen to and read the text in their books to find out.

    Activity 4: Reading for specific information

     • T explains the task and ask Ss to read the sentences (1-5).

     • T gives Ss time to read the text again and complete the task.

     • T checks Ss' answers

    Activity 5: Preparing a collage – TASK: Collect tips for people who want to visit your country. Prepare a “Did you know?” collage with tips.

     •T explains the task and give Ss time to complete the task.

     • T asks various groups to read out their collages to the class



    The Philippines Don’t curl your finger at a waiter to ask them to come over. In the Philippines, this is very rude. It means you think you are better than them. Just try to catch their eye.

    Thailand The thumbs up gesture means OK in most countries, but not in Thailand. There, it’s the same as sticking out your tongue at someone! Use the other OK gesture – with your thumb and index finger forming a circle. Be careful not to use this one in France however. There it means ‘zero’ and it’s really rude!

    Bulgaria Shaking the head means no and nodding means yes, right? Well, in most countries, yes, but in Bulgaria, it’s the exact opposite! So remember – in Sofia, it’s a nod for no.

    Indonesia Most people agree that it's not polite to point at another person, but in Indonesia, pointing at anything with your index finger is rude. If you really need to point at something, use the thumb on your right hand.


    T (True), F (False) or NS (Not stated).

    1 The guide is for business travellers.

    2 Looking at a waiter is impolite in the Philippines.

    3 Most Thai children use the thumbs up gesture.

    4 Making the thumbs up gesture is rude in Thailand.

    5 Nodding to say yes is very common worldwide.

    6 In Indonesia, it’s rude to point with your thumb.




    Civics Education CLIL Lesson Plan

    Civics Education CLIL lesson LT.docx


    School: Vilniaus Sausio 13-osios progimnazija, Lithuania

    Age of students/Grade: 14 years old /8th grade

    Level of English: B1.1


    Teacher(s): Žana Šunina

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: Charity




    Teaching points:




    • Charity
    • To raise money
    • Broadcast
    • Fundraising
    • Famine
    • To be in need
    • To set up
    • To have in common
    • Celebrities


    • Charity organisation ‘’Comic Relief’’
    • Charity events



    Resources: video projector, laptop, speakers



    Description of the activities:

    Activity 1: To introduce the topic and new vocabulary

    • T directs Ss to the pictures and asks questions. Ss look at the pictures, answer the questions. Ss predict the content of the text.
    • T explains/elicits the meanings of any unknown words.

    Activity 2: To listen and read for specific information

    • Ss listen to the text.
    • Ss read the text individually (ANNEX 1).
    • Ss complete the summary (ANNEX 2).
    • Ss compare their answers in pairs and report back to the class.

    Activity 3: To reproduce information

    Activity 4: To extend information from a reading text into a longer piece of collaborative work including speaking and IT skills

    • T divides the class into groups.
    • Ss brainstorm ideas for fun activities for the charity events.
    • Ss make a list of the suggestions and vote for the best ones.
    • As homework, each group of Ss prepares a presentation on the charity event including donations, entrance fee, catchy pictures, titles, etc.

    Activity 5: To give a presentation on a charity event

    • Ss present their presentations (homework) the next lesson.



    Supplementary materials:

    “Upstream” – textbook for the 8th grade, Express Publishing, pages 111.


    ANNEX 1



    Take a minute and ask yourself: What do charity and comedy have in common?


    Nothing? Well, Comic Relief will certainly disagree with you.


    Set up by a group of comedians, Comic Relief is a charity that uses laughter to raise money from the general public and help fight poverty in the UK and Africa. It began with a few live comedy events that were broadcast on BBC 1 on Christmas Day 1985, in response to the famine in Ethiopia. Since then, they have managed to raise about 300 million pounds!


    Comic Relief is best known as the organisation behind Red Nose Day, the biggest fundraising event in the UK. On Red Nose Day, held every two years, people throughout Britain put on a red plastic nose and do the craziest things they can think of – all to raise money for those in need. Eating jelly with chopsticks, cutting the grass with a pair of scissors and eating grapes while wearing boxing gloves are just a few of the things people have done. The event includes moving documentary films and extraordinary comedy by some of the best British comedians, broadcast on national TV.


    Over the years, many celebrities have taken part, each in their own special way. ‘’Mr Bean’’, Robbie Williams, and Victoria and David Beckham are only some of the famous people who have offered their time and talent in an event that unites the whole nation in trying to help other people and have fun at the same time!


    ANNEX 2

    Read the text again and complete the summary.


    Comic Relief is a 1) ……………………………… . It started in the UK on 2) ………………………….. . So far they have raised  3) …………………………. . Every 2 years the British celebrate 4)……………………………….. . On this day people wear  5)………………………….. and do silly things. The money raised helps people in 6) ………………………. .


    Answers: 1) charity; 2) Christmas Day 1985; 3) 300 million pounds; 4) Red Nose Day; 5) red noses; 6) need.





    SEPTEMBER 2020


    Liceul Tehnologic Octavian Goga Jibou, Romania

    Civics Education RO_3.docx

    Age of students/Grade: 11 years old /5th grade

    Level of English: A1

    Teacher(s): Nagy Melinda

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: How to avoid COVID-19



    -to enrich vocabulary in English related to health issues

    -to learn how to avoid and prevent the spread of COVID-19












    sore throat

    breathing dificulties


    mild symptoms

    severe symptoms



    Resources: Laptop, videoprojector, internet, worksheets


    Description of the activities:

    Activity 1: Introduction

    What is the name of the new virus? What city was it reported first?


    Activity 2: Learning new words on English related to the symptoms of coronavirus, based on a picture dictionary (fever, cough, sneeeze, sore throat, breathing difficulties, pneumonia)

    Online activity: matching the words with the correct image

    Which of the symptoms are mild and which are severe ones?


    Activity 3: How can you prevent the spread of the coronovirus disease? Match the picture and recommendation.


    Activity 4: Poster creation - prevent the spread of the coronovirus disease



    CivicsIII Spain.docx



    Civics Education CLIL LT (3).docx


    School: Vilniaus Sausio 13-osios progimnazija, Lithuania

    Age of students/Grade: 11 years old /5th grade

    Level of English: A1


    Teacher(s): Žana Šunina

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: How to Volunteer during the Spread of COVID-19?




    Teaching points:




    • Volunteer
    • Community
    • Homelessness
    • Donation
    • Charity
    • To make a difference
    • Pandemic spread
    • Coronavirus


    • Ways of volunteering
    • Volunteering during spread of COVID-19



    Resources: computers/laptops, Internet, newspapers.



    Description of the activities:

    Activity 1: To present new vocabulary and introduce the topic

    • T directs Ss to the pictures and asks questions. Ss look at the pictures, answer the questions. Ss predict the content of the text.
    • T explains/elicits the meanings of any unknown words.

    Activity 2: To read for specific information

    • Ss read the text individually (ANNEX 1).

    Activity 3: To consolidate new vocabulary by answering comprehension questions and making true sentences

    • Ss read the text aloud.
    • Ss answer the questions (ANNEX 2).
    • T checks the answers.
    • Ss make true sentences (ANNEX 3).
    • Ss read true sentences aloud.

    Activity 4: To prepare a poster; to practise research skills

    • T divides the class into groups.
    • T gives Ss time to collect pictures and information about spread of COVID-19 from the Internet, newspapers.
    • Ss prepare posters.
    • T asks Ss to present their poster to the class.



    Supplementary materials:

    “On Screen 1 Workbook” – workbook for the 5th grade, Express Publishing, pages 31.


    ANNEX 1



    Do you know that thousands of teenagers volunteer in their free time all over the world? There are so many things that someone your age can help with. You can make a difference in your community, meet new people and learn new skills. It’s important, however, to do it right.

    1. Choose a charity or group you care about. Do you want to help children? Perhaps you feel strongly about certain issues like pollution or homelessness. There are a variety of charities out there to choose from.

    2. Look for an activity that you can do. Are you very good at sports? Can you use the Internet? There is a charity that needs your skills. Volunteer for something that you are good at and like doing.

    3. Look for something in your area. Start with something near your home. Your community needs you and you can meet new friends, too.

    4. Volunteer for an hour or two at first, or one day a month. If you like the work and have free time, then you can volunteer more often.


    ANNEX 2

    Read the text again and answer the questions.

    1. How should you choose which charity to volunteer for?

    2. Where should you volunteer? Why?

    3. How often should you volunteer?


    ANNEX 3

    Use the information in the text to write about you.

    I care about ................. . I am good at ................... . Maybe I can volunteer at a ......................  charity for .................... hours every week.




    December 2020


    Liceul Tehnologic Octavian Goga Jibou, Romania

    Civics Ed CLIL 4 RO.docx

    Age of students/Grade: 12 years old /6th grade

    Level of English: A1-A2

    Teacher(s): Melinda Nagy

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: Green Resolutions – Protection of the environment



    -to describe simple steps individuals can take to protect the environment

    -to learn to recognize their everyday decisions have an impact on the environment

    -to learn how they can make a difference at home and in their community.


    Teaching points




    get a fine



    look forward to

    do our bit



    Reduce air pollution

    Save electricity

    Keep our cities clean

    Reduce rubbish

    Reduce plastic production



    Resources: internet connection, laptop/tablet/smarphone, Google Meet, online textbook


    Description of the activities:


    Activity 1:  - whole class discussion

    Teacher asks what is a resolution and if necessary explains it and gives examples. Next, students answer the question: What are your resolution for the New Year?


    Activity 2: - sentence creation

    Students make sentences using the given phrases and the activities



    Reduce air pollution

    Save electricity

    Keep our cities clean

    Reduce rubbish

    Reduce plastic production


    not use plastic bags, cups or bottles

    walk to school


    use public transport

    turn off the light when you leave the room

    participate in a clean-up day



    e.g. When we use public transport, we help reduce air pollution.


    Activity 3: - reading for specific information

    Students read a blog entry about 3 teenagers describing their green resolutions for the next year. After reading the text, they decide about who are the given sentences talking about. (Richard, Vanessa or JP)

    Activity 4: -vocabulary practice

    Students complete the short text with missing words: reduce, bit, keep, recycle, cloth

    Think Green and 1.).......................the environment clean!

    • Ride a bike. It helps 2.) ........................air pollution.
    • 3.) .....................paper, glass, plastic.
    • Take 4.) ............................bags to the supermarket. Don’t use plastic ones.

    We must all do our 5.) help protect the environment.


    Activity 5: Listening and vocabulary practice

    Students listen to Damien speaking and complete the missing words as they listen.

    Green School Resolutions

    • Keep the playground 1.)......................
    • Buy notebooks from 2.) ........................paper.
    • Have more 3.) the classroom.
    • Use household waste to make pieces of 4.) .....................


    Activity 6: Whole class discussion

    Students talk about their green resolutions for the nexy year.


    Textbook: - pages 108-109


    CLIL Lesson Dec 2020.docx


    Vilniaus Sausio 13-osios progimnazija, Lithuania

    Civics Education CLIL LT 4.docx

    Age of students/Grade: 11-12 years old /5th grade

    Level of English: A1


    Teacher(s): Žana Šunina

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: Road Signs




    Teaching points:




    • Coach
    • To memorise
    • Circle
    • Triangle
    • Rectangular
    • Precise
    • Warning
    • Direction
    • Condition
    • Motorway
    • Recreational
    • To watch out


    • Road signs
    • Traffic signs
    • The importance of road and traffic signs



    Resources: computers/laptops/tablets/mobile phones, Zoom app, internet connection.



    Description of the activities:

    Activity 1: To introduce the topic

    • T directs Ss to the traffic signs and asks questions: How do you like to travel? How do traffic signs differ?  Ss look at the pictures, answer the questions. Ss predict the content of the text.
    • T explains/elicits the meanings of any unknown words.

    Activity 2: To read for specific information

    • Ss read the text individually (ANNEX 1).

    Activity 3: To consolidate new vocabulary

    Activity 4: To practise research skills, to develop presentation skills

    • Ss collect information about traffic signs as their homework.
    • Ss present the information next lesson.


    Supplementary materials:

    “Access” – Student’s book for the 5th grade, Express Publishing, page 95.



    ANNEX 1

    Read the text.

    Road Signs

    If you think that you don’t need to pay attention to road signs because you don’t drive a car, think again.They are there for everyone’s safety. So, if you ride a bicycle or even just walk, you need to know what the signs mean.

    There are many different signs and it’s hard to memorise all of them, but you should try to remember the most important ones.

    Signs with red circles show speed limits and tell you what you mustn’t do, while signs with red triangles give warnings.

    Signs with blue circles usually give positive instructions about which direction to follow, while rectangular blue signs give information and directions on motorways and tell us lanes bicycles can use in towns.

    Green signs give precise information about directions and distances.

    Yellow signs with black letters or symbols give warnings to drive carefully and inform you about the condition of the road.

    Orange signs with black letters or symbols inform you that there are road works ahead.

    Brown signs give directions to places of historic, cultural or recreational interest.

    So next time you’re out and about, watch out for the signs.


    ANNEX 2

    Answer the questions.

    1. Which sign tells you what you mustn’t do?

    2. Which sign gives you information about the condition of a road?

    3. Which sign tells you how fast you can drive?

    4. Which sign shows you which direction to follow?

    5. Which sign tells you where there is a museum?

    6. Why should you watch out for the signs?



    March 2021

    School: Liceul Tehnologic Octavian Goga Jibou, Romania

    Age of students/Grade: 11 years old /5th grade

    Level of English: A1

    Teacher(s): Nagy Melinda

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: Netiqutte – How to behave online?



    -to understand proper behaviour when communicating online.

    -to understand how the world deals with acceptable internet use as well as internet etiquette


    Teaching points:





    keep in mind

    to avoid

    rules of conduct


    Online behaviour/Rules of conduct

    Online communication


    Resources: internet connection, laptop/tablet/smarphone, Google Meet, online textbook


    Description of the activities:


    Activity 1: Definition, introducing new words

    Defining netiquette – whole class discussion

    Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette and is defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behavior. Similarly, online ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an online social environment.


    Activity 2: - watching a video

    -students watch a video about the do’s and don’t’s of digital etiquette, (netiquette)

    Activity 3:  - whole class discussion based on the video and personal opinion

    1. Why are rules of conduct important when communicating online?

    2. What rules should keep in mind when online?

    3. What are some good things to do in your online communication?

    4. What are some things to avoid?

    5. What are some useful abbreviations to use in your messages?

    6. How can you show emotions in an electronic message?


    Activity 4: -poster creation

    Students create a poster with 10 netiqutte rules



    School: Vilniaus Sausio 13-osios progimnazija, Lithuania

    CivicsCLIL_5 LT.docx

    Age of students/Grade: 10-11years old /4th grade

    Level of English: pre A1/A1


    Teacher(s): Žana Šunina

    Subject(s): English / Civics Education

    Topic: 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle




    Teaching points:




    • To reduce
    • To reuse
    • To recycle
    • To avoid
    • Waste
    • Tornado
    • Hurricane
    • Flood
    • To turn on (off)
    • Global warming


    • Global warming
    • 3Rs



    Resources: video projector, laptop, speakers



    Description of the activities:

    Activity 1: To introduce the topic and new vocabulary

    • T directs Ss to the pictures and asks questions: ‘’How do we help the Earth?’’, ‘’What can we recycle?’’ Ss look at the pictures, answer the questions. Ss predict the content of the text.
    • T explains/elicits the meanings of any unknown words.

    Activity 2: To read for detailed understanding

    • Ss read the text aloud (ANNEX 1).
    • T checks the understanding of the text by asking questions: What are unwelcome events in the world? What do ‘’3Rs’’ stand for? What can you do to protect the Earth?

    Activity 3: To watch a video and consolidate information

    • T asks Ss to work in pairs and name the things they can reduce, reuse or recycle.
    • Ss report their ideas back to the class.


    Activity 4: To make a poster ‘’3Rs’’.

    • Ss create a poster


    Supplementary materials:

    “Early School English 3: Yummy English”– textbook for the 4th grade. N. Sabeckienė, V. Rupainienė, V. Maskvytienė, ,,Šviesa’’.


    ANNEX 1


    3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

    Every year we watch more and more unwelcome events in the world. Tornadoes, Hurricanes, floods... This is because of global warming. Everyone can protect the planet Earth. What can you do? This is the answer!


    Use less... buy less... avoid waste...turn off lights... take shorter showers...


    Use things more than one time... use cloth shopping bags... fix things...


    Recycle products! Recycling one ton of paper saves seventeen trees. It is clear for everyone – me and you, him and her, us and them – why to reduce, reuse and recycle. Help our Earth stay nice and clear! Help our Earth stay strong and green!