A Wall painting for Climate Change

  • The idea of a Wall painting for climate change starts from the job of the scientist Edward Hawkins (reading University). He has thought to realize some coloured stripes for showing the climate change of the last 120 years, putting on evidence the increase of temperature in the world.



    These are the stripes for Italy but you can find your country'stripes at this site (https://showyourstripes.info/). The blue stripes point at a temperature under the medium of the period, while the red ones a temperature above the medium. It's very easy to see that inthe last years temperature has grown.


    So we have projected our Wall, like this:

    This wall has got an immediate impact on people, becasuse it's:

    • Easy to read and understand
    • Focus on data and not on a catastrophic view of climate change, avoiding the wrong idea that we can base our idea of climate change on the weather forecast of the last 3 months!

    The rainbow part of our stripes is the symbol of our hopes in a better future for our world and show a change from hot colours to the cold ones!!


    But COVID-19 has blocked, for the moment, our project. We have created photoshop image of what we want to realize.