PGU Unna (GER)

  • Students introduce themselves via voice applications for example: Fotobabble, avatars makers, exchange letters via traditional post/ Die Schueler und Schuelerinnen stellen sich mithilfe von Fotobabble oder Avatars vor. Sie können auch Briefe an Projektpartner schreiben.


    This is our team. 

    We have chosen the following presentation to show your more about our school.


  • Teacher and students of Pestalozzi Gymnasium Unna (GER)

    Monika Schwarze

    I am a teacher of Pestalozzi Gymnasium and teacher of the Group who works in this project. I teach them a sort of computer science (we call the course "discoveries witha computer". I teach mathematics and biology, too. I think the topic of the project is very, very important.


    Ich heiße Amelie und gehe auf das Pestalozzi-Gymnasium Unna, ich bin 13 Jahre alt. Meine Hobbies sind Tanze, Querflöte spielen und Schwimmen.


    Hello, I'm Lucas C. .I'm 14 years old. I live with my grandparents in Germany.


    my name is Joana and I am 13 years old. I am a student from the PGU. My favourite subjects are sports and DIFF8. My hobbies are meet friends and ride a horse.


    My name is Selin.I am 13 years old.I am a Student from the PGU.
    My favourite subjects are DIFF8 and latin.My Hobbie are athletics.


    Hi. I am Mika B. and I am 14 years old. My Hobbies are to play keyboard and batminton. I am at the PGU in Unna. (P estalozzi G ymnasium U nna)

    hello,its me

    mein Name ist P.......... ,ich bin 14 Jahre alt und ich gehe auf das Pestalozzi Gymnasium in Unna. Meine Hobbies sind Reiten , Ballett; außerdem singe im Chor und ich spiele im Orchester.


    Hi, I'm Robert and I'm 13 years old.
    My hobbies are programming and playing the piano.


    Hello my Name is Adrian and i`m 13 years old. I`m a studend uf the PGU


    13 years, Germany


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