5.3.4 Photo collection: climate change in my town, village, place of life

  • Pupils will collect a collection of photographs depicting climate change in their nearst area. The processes of global global warming is everywhere. They are: fires, drought, floods, strong winds, violent atmospheric phenomena,etc.  Teachers will ask students to bring / send - photographs, which they made in the vicinity of their place of residence, which present the effects of these changes.


    The Result of the Task:

    Pupils' Common Product . Clik on the book's Cover below:


  • Collection of photos

    Drought in Poland - Latowicz 2020
    Drought in Poland - Latowicz 2020
    Very warm winter and no snow in Poland - Latowicz 2019
    Very warm winter and no snow in Poland - Latowicz 2019
    Dry river, due to too little water in Poland - Latowicz 2019
    Trees broken by a very strong wind in Poland - Latowicz 2019
    A powerful and dangerous storm in Poland - Latowicz 2019
    Floods in Jordan because of heavy rain

    By Jana Dyab

    Fires because of high temperatures in Jordan

    by Renad Kreshan

    Vesile Uslu/Tes-iş Adapazarı Anatolian High School,Turkey

    Turkey might face drought because of Global Warming

    Senem Sönmez / Tes-İş Adapazarı Anatolian High School

    We have started to see strong storms in our country because of climate change

    Senem Sönmez / Tes- İş Adapazarı Anatolian High School

    In my region, we take our tap water from the lake nearby.In recent years, there is a decrease in our water supply because of global warming.

    Lack of water in rivers due to unsnowy winters and dry summers in Ukraine
    Snowing in Nafpaktos-next to the sea

    Antonis Z. Then I was very happy. Now I'm thinking in a different way. (Gribovo beach-Greece)

    Antonis Z., Nafpaktos, Greece : Extreme weather last July caused flooding

    You can watch a video here https://youtu.be/cjKDIiOEHTQ

    2017: Snow in Nafpaktos!

    2days of snowing in a seaside place of Greece!! A dream that came true or climate change? Both for me :( Nick G.