1.6 Author's rights

  • Remember to provide sources of information



    >>> Copyright Quick Guide

    >>> Public Domain


    Explanations for students:

    1) For educational use, we can use all information - but we must always provide the source of this information (if it is the original). This is what we do is not commercial and we do not do it for money, which is why we have such an opportunity.
    2) We cannot provide information e.g. from the Internet and sign with our name and surname, because it is plagiarism. Plagiarism is a dishonest act and is a crime.
    3) If you use music as the background for a movie or presentation and this is not your composition - we only need to use a short piece.

  • A collection of short informations:

    Creative commons
    Creative commons
    Creative commons licenses
    Creative commons licenses
    Creative commons licenses