1.4 Working Together !

  • Dear partners

    Kindly,   write your name and the task, or the activity your students would like to participate in and be the coordinator.

     Table (1) Organising Tasks and Activities



    Suha Rawajfeh

    Critical thinkers, letters to Future generations, Evaluation, Our response to the climate change, rights of Mother Earth, Make a pair , A Collaborative Game of Masterminds, research

    Aspasia Mylona

    critical thinking, Logo, Poster, Advice Cards, Rights of Mother Earth, Evaluation, Our wishes to our planet. Dissemination, Partners' Expectation. Letters to future Generations,Games, the collabrative game.

    Gülşah GÜL

    Parners' Expectations, LOGO, Critical Thinkers, Let us get started

    Hasmik Charkhchyan

    Logo, poster, Games, advice cards,presntation, learn and play

    Elisabete Silva

    Logo, poster, moving to action, parntens' expectations,

    Zygmunt Gajowniczek

    Logo, poster, Critical Thinkers, Let us get started, Letters to future generations, games, rights of mother earth, our wishes to our planet, international mixed teams, evaluation.

    Vesile Uslu

    Logo, poster, Reaearch,Games, the collabrative game, Letters to future generations, rights of mother earth, our wishes to our planet, international mixed teams, dismintation

    Nesrin KURT


    Senem Sönmez

    logo, poster, letters to future generations, moving to action, rights of mother earth, partner's expectations, Games, international mixed teams, the collbrative game.dissemination