5.4.1 Advice Cards 2 Our Communities "Moving to Action"

  • To have joy! one must share it. Happiness was born a twin.

    Native American Proverb

    In this activity, students will create or draw advice cards to their community. The advice card contains the following : 


    Meanwhile,our  students will exchange and share  advice cards with other students in other countries. 

    Please, write your name next to a partner's name.

    Suha Rawajfeh Maan Secondary Comprehensive School, Jordan Zygmunt Gajowniczek Szkoła Podstawowa w Latowiczu, Poland
    Elisabete Silva

    Bairro das Morenas, 2500-205 Caldas da Rainha


    Aspasia Mylona

    ΝΑΥΠΑΚΤΟΥ- 1st vocational school of Nafpaktos, Greece
    Vesile Uslu Tes-iş Adapazarı Anatolian-High School,Turkey Suha Rawajfeh Maan Secondary Comprehensive School, Jordan
    Senem Sönmez Tes-İş Adapazarı Anatolian High School,Sakarya,Turkey Arzu Hasanova 

    Tefekkur Lisei


    Neşe Yaylı Yomra Central Secondary School Turkey Hasmik Charkhchyan Armenia



  • Add your creative cards here:

    Protecting the environment / Marine life
    Georgia S., EPAL Nafpaktou, Greece

    Fight Global Warming

    Raneem Khawaldeh, Ma'an Secondary Comprehensive School, Jordan

    Advice Card

    Jana Dyab, Maan Secondary Comprehensive School for Girls, Jordan

    Advice Card

    Maan Secondary Comprehensive School

    Advice Cards written by Jordanian students , They are exchanged with Turkish and Polish students

    Funda D. / Tes-iş Adapazarı Anatolian High School (Senem Sönmez)
    Hasmik Charkhchyan

    For this task we learnt some poems and made cards with proper images using BigHugeLabs.

    Hasmik Charkhchyan
    Hasmik Charkhchyan
    Vesile Uslu/Tes-iş Adapazarı Anatolian High School,Turkey

    Advice Cards
    Written by Tuğberk K,Ziynet V,Süreyya Ç,Sarper O,Kayra K
    To the sudents of Maan Secondary Comprehensive School, Jordan

    Szkoła Podstawowa w Latowiczu, Poland
    Szkoła Podstawowa w Latowiczu, Poland
    Szkoła Podstawowa w Latowiczu, Poland
    Szkoła Podstawowa w Latowiczu, Poland
    Nilgün AKTAŞ
    Senem Sönmez /Tes-Iş Adapazarı Anatolian High School Turkey

    Advice cards / written by Yağmur B. , Ali Can G., Funda D., Hafsa M. to Tefekkur Lisei students in Azerbaijan

    Maan Secondary Comprehensive School for Girls, Jordan

    Advice Cards for our communities!

    Advice card for our Portuguese partners

    Antonis,EPAL Nafpaktou, Greece