Our rules

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      Please, remember about some things during working on our project. Reread these suggestions and add yours if you have some.


      1.Try to check posts in the Project Journal and Teacher Bulletin every day

      2. Don't create  your  own pages without discussing it.

      3. Remember about deadline for every activity and try to do everything in time.

      4. Let's cooperate together and create common materials. It is very important for eTwinning.

      5. Commenting posts in the Project Journal , be tolerant and respect each other

      6. Be ready to help your partner in a case of need.

      7. Cooperate,communicate, participate in online meetings and chats, write posts and comments. Remember, we are a team.


      eSafety Rules


      1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited

      2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On

      3. Practice Safe Browsing

      4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure

