
It is a KA1 project of Institut Jaume CallĂ­s which aims to train teachers from different areas in new methodologies and the pedagogical use of ICT in order to - consolidate the CLIL and STEAM school projects by training our teachers; - improve the development of the key competences of our teachers, and as a consequence, of ourstudents; - increase the participation of teachers and students in international projects and collaborations; - train teachers who are going to implement the Bachibac modality; - improve the results of our students, and train them for their academic and professional future. The planned activities are the attendance of our teachers in training courses on CLIL, STEAM, ICT and new methodologies, and observations in secondary schools of reference in these areas, indifferent European countries. Also the writing of reports, transfer to the rest of the teaching staff,generation and im plementation of materials in the classroom, with its corresponding evaluation.

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