Beklenen Sonuçlar (Expected Results)

  •    Açık havada öğrenilen dersler, ister matematik ister bilim ister dil olsun, genellikle ömür boyu bizimle kalan bilgiler oluyor. Açık havada olmak çocukların odaklanması, yaratıcılıklarının ve hayal güçlerinin artması ve derslerin çok daha eğlenceli geçmesi projemizin beklediğimiz sonuçları arasında yer alıyor.

       Children who have the freedom to play today are more prepared for the future making friends, getting lost, having fun. Playing games helps children to build friendships, test their limits and solve their own problems. The game is the center of the child's development and enjoyment of his childhood.

       Lessons learned in the open air, whether mathematics or science or language, usually life-long information is left with us. Being in the open air is among the results we expect of our project to focus on children, to increase their creativity and imagination and to have more fun in the lessons.