Tuesday, 2nd of April: Coding. Presenting the stories.

  • Tuesday was the last project day. We started the day finishing or polishing the movies and the books. After the stories were ready we had some extra time before showtime so Italian teachers taught everyone some coding and showed us how we could use our mBot robots.

    The highlight of the last project day was the showtime hour in the afternoon! It was great to see what all groups had been working with and what kind of stories they had created! Project completed, well done!

    We didn’t want to say goodbyes yet so we decided to gather together once more in the evening, have some pizza, play games and have fun.

    We watched a great video, which the Italians had created on their trip to Finland. The students board, Hanna Viippola and Italian teachers had prepared a fun quiz on Italy and Finland.

    The students board had also bought Easter chocolate eggs and hidden them in different places in the school. This turned out to be a very entertaining game, too.

    The farewell was sad and the Finns were invited to visit Melzo one day, which we really would like to do!