United in Diversity: UNESCO Regional Heritage within European Identity


This e-twinning project is linked to the Erasmus+ KA2 project with the same title, to which it offers a space for discussion and dissemination. The aim of this project is to increase students' and citizens' awareness on the heritage theme, be it tangible or intangible, national or international. The schools involved aim at articulating a response to heritage in terms of knowledge, respect and safeguarding not only for their local area, but also about other areas in Europe. Throughout the world, heritage today faces a growing number of threats and pressures – from environmental factors, socio-economic changes, armed conflict, natural disasters, or even sheer neglect from lack of recognition and valorization. The UNESCO framework and the 2030 Agenda SDG offer a guideline for development and implementation. The goal of this programme is to facilitate the engagement of youth in the promotion, protection and transmission of all forms of cultural heritage and develop life skills.

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