
  • With this project we intend to make explicit some of the elements that define a person/community identity. And we consider that our natural and cultural heritage is a relevant element in this process.
    We plan our project as a discovery process where students are guided to identify the main features of their identity, linking those to their heritage.
    So our objectives will be:

    • To teach our pupils the interest and amazement about natural and cultural heritage of people, particularly in Europe and the understanding of how that heritage shapes their identity and their values.
    • To highlight the importance of environment as an essential element in our lives, delving into its knowledge, valuation and appreciation, becoming aware of the risks that threat its integrity and of the its importance as source of important resources, not only economics, but also social, cultural and spiritual ones, in the search of the sustainable use of all of them.
    • To put into practice new methodological tools that using as starting point local natural and cultural resources permit a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to the educational activity in an open, flexible and coordinated way that makes it possible to teach XXIst century competences and allows learning to become a more interesting and playful activity.
    • To explore the potential of a higher exposure to natural and cultural heritage on our pupils self esteem level and social and emotional intelligence and, therefore, reducing conflict, promoting co-existence and harmony and helping to reduce school failure.
    • To promote creativity and entrepreneurship as the needed attitudes for the promotion and the valuation of environment and material and immaterial cultural heritage.