• In order to get in touch to new, interested partners, we introduced our project during the European online Conference of the 20th October 2018.

    Here you can find our presentation

    eTwinning weeks project from martanna


    Annalisa was invited as a speaker to introduce the topic of "eTwinning as an inclusion tool" during the public meeting of the Ka229 project "All-in-Edu-2020" which took place in Ferrara.


    In March 2019, Some Bulgarian eTwinners met the Bulgarian member of the EU Parliament Eva Maydell and she was curious to hear about students' MysteryTwinning experiences. 


    In March 2019, the Mystery teachers Tsvetelena Taralova, Annalisa Martini and Beata Wojcik disseminated the project during the Learning event eTwinning in ELT organised by the CSS. 


    On the 6th of June, the Italian school presented all he projects run during the school year to parents and other school's students and teachers. Of course our MysteryTwinning project belongs to the most beloved ones.

    FESTA aule-progetti.pdf



    PRESENTING MysteryTwinning PROJECT 


    I'm pleased to invite you to see some photos of our dissemination activity, held on 21st May during our school open door day. We presented all our recent European projects to students, teachers and parents from most primary and lower secondary schools in the area. My Mystery Students were delighted to present the Mystery activities they had partaken in within our MysteryTwinning project. 

    For more photos, see


    PARMA (IT) - School projects exhibition

    6th June

    Italian students introduced MysteryTwinning project to parents, other students and teachers during the last event organised at school. 

    evento pon.pdf

    Bulgarian students presented the project to parents and teachers.


    Greek students disseminating our project in Student Conference

    Greek students presented our eTwinning project in the 1st Student Conference of European Parliament Ambassador Schools of  Central Greece, that was held on 9th May 2019 in Amfikleia. Students celebrated Europe Day, exchanged good practices with other students, disseminated the eTwinning projects they participated in, shared their dreams and vision for European Union!

    And this is part of the promotion of our dissemination online event on eTwinning Live


    Presentation used at the webinar