Migrants/Refugees Lesson plans

  • MIGRANTS/REFUGEES Lesson plans

    Hilstad skole, Norway
    lesson plan - refugees .docx

    Osnovna šola litija

    Lesson about Differences between emigrants.docx


    Agrupamento de Escolas de Idães, Portugal

    Teacher: Luís Pereira

    Migrants Class READINGFLIFE and CLIL.docx

    REFUGEE Lesson Plan

    Liceul Tehnologic Octavian Goga Jibou, Romania

    Teacher: Melinda Nagy, Gabriel Barjac

    refugee lesson plan.docx

    Age group: 12-14

    Aims of the activity:

    To promote cross-cultural understanding and tolerance

    To encourage planning, collaboration and teamwork

    To raise awareness of World Refugee Day

    To give pupils an opportunity to be creative

    To develop presentation skills

    Project materials: coloured pens, pencils or crayons, paper, a large sheet of card, scissors, glue, laptop, internet, videoprojector


    Activity 1: definition of the word refugee – group work, them whole group discussions

    Activity 2: watching videos on Netflix “Refugee” and on YouTube:



    Activity 3: Discussions based on the video:

    Why do refugees leave their country?

    What do they leave behind?

    What’s the difference between travelling to another country for a holiday and being a refugee?

    Activity 4: POSTER CREATION – TASK:

    Refugee project task

    A group of refugee children are coming to live in your town. They are the same age as you. They can’t speak your language but some of them can speak English. They don’t know much about life in your town and they don’t know anybody. This is an opportunity for the refugees and also for you and your friends to find out about a new culture. You are going to plan some activities to welcome the children to your town, to help them make new friends and to share useful information. Follow the steps to complete your project.

    Activity 5: Poster presentations and feedback from the class.


    Institut Consell de Cent, Barcelona (Spain)
    Teachers: Eva Garcia and Gemma Guim

    Refugees _ Migrants Lesson Plan (Institut Consell de Cent, Barcelona).pdf