Tracing and shaping our cultural heritage: dramatists and poets

This multi-lingual cross-curricular project (Spanish, Italian, English, French, German, Portuguese) aims at developing, refining and widening our pupils’ language skills by exploring our rich literary cultural heritage and by continuing the literary tradition with own creative texts. Pupils will present their cultural heritage (tangible, intangible) to their partners, give profiles of their native dramatists, perform a theatre play together. The poetic tradition of our countries will then be scrutinized and again pupils are challenged to explore the wealth of poetic expression by creating an e-collection of poetry. Proverbs will be studied and compared and a calendar with proverbs will be produced. Pupils will also teach each other some basic communication skills in their mother tongue. Pupils will eventually become articulate, plurilingual, active citizens eager to participate in society in their role as enlightened Europeans conscious of and united by their cultural heritage by means of digital and onsite collaboration.

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