First steps and aims of our project


    The students of 1st of Batxillerat, studying History of the Contemporary World in our high school, Institut Castell del Quer, are going to do a project named “Oral Memory”, within the Erasmus project during the first four months of our academic course.

    We will go beyond what we know, discovering our historical past from witnesses, with the objective of achieving a historical reconstruction based on the experiences and memories of the interviewees. Thus, we have decided to focus this project work in the period of Franco’s dictatorship and the Transition age, with the objective of obtaining unpublished information about this Spanish period.

    During the next few weeks, we will focus on finding and interviewing people of the area who have experienced moments of this dictatorship, with the objective of extracting the information that we will take into account to accomplish the task. We have also participated with the local archive of our municipality, Prats de Lluçanès, with the goal of complementing the base of the project.

    To sum up, we are thrilled to rbe able to carry out this project together.

    Participants: Marina Barragán, Nil Colell, Miguel Costa, Kaoutar El Bakri, Judit Estupiñá, Maria Farrés, Pau Manubens, Jordi Nualart, Marta Olivares, Laura Paracolls,