Ceremony at the Mass Graves in Prats de Lluçanès

  • On 9th April 2018, representatives of the Project of our school, Institut Castell del Quer, have been invited to a ceremony in honour of all the people who were buried in the Mass Graves in Prats de Lluçanès.

    The ceremony has been held by the Mayor of Prats de Lluçanès, Isaac Peraire, together with  the Minister of Justice the Catalan government, Ester Capella.

    After uncovering a monument in memory of all the people buried in the Mass Graves we have gone to the cemetery where the remains of some of the people buried in the Mass graves have been deposited.

    The Mayor, in his speech has mentioned the fact that our school is participating in the project" Shining a light on fading Memories and declining crafts" together with two schools from Italy and the Czech Republic. He has also stated that it is very important to make young people aware of their history and that all these events shouldn't be forgotten.

    From the Catalan government we have acquired a compromise to help us out with anything we may need.

    The Ceremony has finished with a visit to the Mass Graves.