Presentation of the Charter at the European Parliament

  • 27th of March will remain unforgetable day for  each participant in the project!

    We visited the European Parliament and presented our project Charter!

    The Charter was signed by all students and teachers in the project and was very well greeted and signed by the Italian MEP -SALVATORE CICU (PPE). Six more MEPs signed the students' Charter!

    What a great success!

    It was time to be proud  of  well done project work!

    The project coordinator Donata Congia  presented the Charter before the MEP Salvatore Cicu

    The Italian MEP -SALVATORE CICU (PPE) signed our Charter.

    Six more MEPs signed the students' Charter!

    The partner studnets  at the meeting with the Italian MEP -SALVATORE CICU (PPE). 

    All participants in front of the European Parlimanet!