Reflections on the project


    Polish team reflections

    As we come towards the end of this project, we have reflected on what we have learned and what we have enjoyed.

    Reflections from the children in Year 5 at Eastburn School, England:

    What I have learned from taking part in this project:

    From taking part in this project, I have learned about traditions for Christmas,also earned a bit about World War 2 from watching Goodnight Mr Tom!

    I have learned about the war and that women had more jobs because most of the men went to war.

    I have learned about the world war.  Finding out about traditions in Poland.  Two video calls with Poland.

    Watch the film Goodnight Mr Tom.  Composed music based on the film/ book.  Perform the music on the video call in front of a live audience.  Two video calls with Poland.

    Only the men went to war.  The women stayed at home to do the work.  A lot of children were transported.

    I learned that children had been expected to carry gas masks.

    I have learned all about the Battle of Britain and how they diidn't let women work in the war until they were 'desperate.'

    I learned that the world wasn't always peaceful and we are lucky to have peace.

    That the Germans were at war with England.

    I learned that the women worked whilst the men went to war.

    I learned all the work women did in the war.

    I have learned that women did a lot of jobs in the war.  Also I've learned that not all countries wanted to fight and people worked for hours.

    What happened in Goodnight Mr Tom.  The was was brutal.  About Hitler.

    I learned that not all countries wanted to fight and some countries wanted to fight so their people get stronger.  I have also learned soldiers trained most hours of the day.

    The Battle of Britain was a very intense war and a lot of action took place.  And Hilter.

    I learned a lot about what happened in wars and the cunning plans of the commanders.

    I learned a lot about the Battle of Britain and many other things that will help us during history and our education.

    I have learned a lot more about the war and who had battles and who fought.

    I have learned about the Battle of Britain and have learned about the planes they used during the war and the jobs that not just men did but women.

    About the Battle of Britain and about planes and about war.

    I have learned about the war but I knew a lot already but I learned more.  I learned about the two armies which was interesting.

    I have learned about what happened in the war and what roles different people played like what women did.

    What I have enjoyed doing in this project:

    I enjoyed when we did questions on the Battle of Britain.

    This project was great and I liked when we did guided reading.

    I have enjoyed watching the film Goodnight Mr Tom, and writing letters to the Polish children.

    I have enjoyed learning all of it.

    Watching the film Goodnight Mr Tom.  Performing the music.

    How the war started to come.

    I enjoyed doing the music.

    I enjoyed watching Goodnight Mr Tom and learning more about the war.  I also enjoyed making music for Goodnight Mr Tom.

    I enjoyed watching Goodnight Mr Tom, composing music and exchanging the letters.

    I have enjoyed doing the comprehension sheets.

    I have enjoyed the activities and the wordsearch.

    I enjoyed making the wordsearch and watching Goodnight Mr Tom.

    Goodnight Mr Tom.

    Watching Goodnight Mr Tom.

    I liked the White Cliffs of Dover and learning all the facts about the war.

    Watching Goodnight Mr Tom.  Kahoot.

    I enjoyed listening to and watching Goodnight Mr Tom.

    Music and Goodnight Mr Tom, Wojtek the Bear.  And many more...

    I really enjoyed watching Goodnight Mr Tom and reading it.

    I enjoyed learning about the Battle of Britain also learning about what women did during the war.

    I liked learning about stuff that I haven't learned already.

    I have enjoyed everything.

    I have enjoyed watching Goodnight Mr Tom.  I also enjoyed exchanging letters with Poland.

    Would you like to take part in another eTwinning project next year?  Do you have any suggetions about what we might do in a project?

    I would be grateful if we do another one but I don't know what.

    I would like to very much, buut I don't have any ideas for an eTwinning project.

    I would like to do more eTwinning.  I don't have any suggestions.

    Yes.  We could do about WWI.

    I don't know.  We should do something similar though.

    Yes, I would love to, we could teach each other traditions.

    I would.  I don't.

    I would like to have another eTwinning project but I don't know what.

    I would like to do another but I am not sure what.

    Yes because it's really fun and interesting.

    Yes.  Art.

    I would want to take part.  I think Art next!

    Yes.  We should do about another thing or era in history eg Victorians, Ancient Egypt or Greeks.

    Yes I would.  The Great War.

    I think it would be nice to do another but I'm not sure what to do it on.

    I would like to do another project.  Perhaps we could do another one like Wojtek again.

    Yes I would like to do something like Wojtek.  Or another film.

    Yes I would like to do another one.  I want to do one like the Mr Tom project.

    I would like to do an eTwinning project.  We could learn about our countries 100 years ago.

    Reflections from the teacher at Eastburn School, England:

    I have found this project really interesting.  I didn't know much about the Battle of Britain before we started and I have learned a lot!  It has been a great way to collaborate with our partner school in Poland.  Even though the students in Poland are older than my pupils, everyone worked well together. 

    It was great to have the chance to exchange letters with our friends in Poland.

    I think the pupils in Year 5 have learned a lot more about World War 2.  In particular they have found out about the role played by soldiers and pilots from other countries.  They have also learned about the jobs women did during the war, both in Britain and in other countries.  They learned about D Day at the time of the 75th anniversary of this event, which was very poignant.

    I am proud of the music which Year 5 have created this year, based on the book and film 'Goodnight Mr Tom' and that they were able to perform this live on a video call - well done everyone!!

    Mrs Linford, Eastburn School

    Reflections from the Headteacher at Eastburn School

    'This project has enabled our pupils to make links between different areas of the curriculum and to put history in context. Working with children in Poland has helped them to consider different perspectives, develop empathy and broaden their horizons.'


    Mrs Waterhouse, Eastburn School