
  • We have a tradition before Christmas to prepare to the "Fair of Goodness". The parents and children meet at school and make some handicrafts. During the Fair of Goodness children sell their goods. Collected money go to the charity. Through the Fair children sing songs and perform. This year we play how domestic animal speak in the Christnmas Eve night. It was marvellous!

    Christmas Eve
    Preparations for Christmas started early in the morning on Christmas Eve: the house was thoroughly cleaned, all bed linen were changed, food was prepared for several days, the livestock were tended to, water was heated and everyone bathed and dressed with clean clothes. Family members who were away made every effort to come home.
    To commemorate baby Jesus in the manger, a handful of fine hay was spread evenly on top of the supper table before covering it with a white tablecloth. The table was then set with plates and decorated with small fir tree branches and candles. A plate of Christmas wafers was placed in the center.

    Our class visited the mill. Baked cakes. Meeted with Santa Claus.

    The Lithuanian year is framed by the Christian holidays. The pinnacle of the year is Christmas, commemorating the birth of Jesus. Somewhat commercialized akin to the west, with Christmas shopping having augmented Christmas prayers for many, the holiday still has its deeper, traditional meaning. More uniquely to Lithuania the Christmas Eve (Kūčios, December 24th) is even more celebrated than the Christmas itself and it is also a day off the work. That evening whole family reunites to eat a special vegetarian (fish permitted) supper that must include at least 12 meals, and every participant should taste each meal. A prayer is said before that supper. The first meal is always the flatbread wafers (Lithuanian: Kalėdaitis). They are identical in the recipe to the Holy Communion and inscribed with Christian imagery. Everyone starts with a separate wafer but is expected to break it down and give every other participant its piece. Only after all the pieces are consumed the other meals may be tasted.
    In the classroom we ate, played and played...