1st year evaluation & activities

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    Is the project meeting your goals? 

    Are you managing to implement the activities on time?

    Which activities did your pupils and the teachers in your school enjoy the most?

    Is the communication effective? If not, how could it be improved?

    Is the dissemination appropriate?

    Is the community involved? How are you involving the pupils? How are you involving the community?


    Please find recommended templates of teachers', parents' and pupils' questions that you could include in your surveys below; please ask the teachers and your pupils to complete the surveys and upload the survey results.

    Markella x




  • Your thoughts, reflections and survey findings


    Draft for all countries to edit and use


    Draft for all countries to edit and use


    Draft for all countries to edit and use

    Little Hadham Primary School - activities in 1st year

    Up to now, children had the opportunity to get involved in many activities in our school, such as: making a mural, participating in a logo competition and in the activities of the Fairtrade event to raise funds for this charity, art and writing activities in all classes, Once upon a story: Alice in wonderland, World Book Day, Alice in wonderland-based termly projects, Easter cards to our partner countries, art week - artists from partner countries.
    Teachers got eTwinning accounts so that they can share the posts of the journal and the work done by children in all partner schools with their classes and were invited to participate in mobilities.

    Little Hadham Primary School - Dissemination & involvement of all

    We tried to inform and involve the children, parents, governors and community in a variety of ways such as: informing children in whole school assemblies about our project, informing parents in newsletters, the LPHS Times and with updates in our website, press release - World Book Day, inviting parents and children to participate in Fairtrade activities such as Fairtrade coffee afternoon and raffles, inviting children to enter the logo competition and setting Alice in wonderland-based termly projects, immigration flows - art and other fun art and writing activities in our classes.

    12 th primary school Katerini Greece: activities in 1sr year

    Students had the chance to work and participate in a lot of activities. First, they took part in the mural with the countries involved in the project. They also joined the logo contest which our school won. They also participated in activities concerning immigration and charity. Schools exchanged Christmas and Easter cards, traditional Christmas carols and Easter customs.
    Teachers and students have created accounts in e-twinning to share their views and their work.
    Regarding the answers teachers, students and parents gave in the questionnaires, we draw the conclusion that they are interested in the project, they can all benefit from it, they are enthusiastic about it and in future they would be interested in joining a new one.

    Translated by Efi Tyrodimou

    12 th primary school Katerini Greece :Dessemination and involvement of all

    At the beginning of the project, we informed all teachers, student’s parents and various authorities about the concept, the activities and its requirements. They all had a positive attitude and they were willing to take part in the project and cooperate. The informing took place through meetings with the teachers, parents and authorities, our school webpage and the press.
    Translated by Efi Tyrodimou

    Pepe Damaso

    EVERYTHING WAS FANTASTIC! I am so lucky working with such a bunch of wonderful people. Lucky me!

    UK - Northern Ireland and England - Pupils' survey results

    1st year evaluation

    UK - Northern Ireland and England - Teachers' survey results

    1st year evaluation

    UK - Northern Ireland - Parents' survey results

    1st year evaluation

    12th primary school

    1st year evaluation