3C/ Let's work in international teams

  • 1. Instructions to follow in your international workshops:

    • Team n °10: Presentation and comparison of each regional territory institution:

    How does it work ( authority - field ) ? What are the main European common points and differences ?

    • Teams n°1-2-3-4-7-8-11: Presentation of four concrete projects ( Pays de la Loire - Lower Saxony - La Réunion - Thessalia ? ) financed by the European regional policy

    ( dates - European budget - main program - European common points and differences )

    • Teams n°5-6-9-12-15: Presentation of other common points and differences ( sport - music - regional traditions - School life  )

    2. For each team, a common summary:

    • Why The European Union can be considered as a continent between unity and diversity ?
    • What are the consequences of the European construction on territories ?
    • How does the European Union have an effect on regional inequalities ?

    Useful documents: Website europa.eu / European regional policy map / European Fund chart / European and regional institutions