A few words about our native language : FRENCH
French is spoken in more than 55 countries in the world.
The French language is probably the most internationally significant Romance language, a form of non classical latin in the world.
It is composed of Gallic, an ancient celtic language, brought by the Celts who came from Germany and invaded France and also of a few Greek words.
80% of the French words come from Latin. Then the French language was spoken in countries where some French people emigrated such as Canada or countries which were colonised by them such as Gabon, Senegal, Chad, ...
There are also lots of English words that are used by French people. By the 19th century, it was fashionable to use English words such as "dandy, snob, tweed" then later, after 1944, with the Allied bombings American words were introduced such as "chewing gum, jeans".
The language keeps evolving over the years.
Watch and listen to the French sounds !
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