The expected results during the project

    • the logo of the project after carrying out an online competition between the students from the countries from the project;
    • culinary exhibitions (one in each country from the project, during every learning/teaching activity) after doing practical activities - preparing specific meals for every event;
    • leaflets that include language survival guides (one for each project partner, during each learning/teaching activity);
    • the project website - the information will be posted on the site as the project will be implemented;
    • the Facebook page of the project – the information will be posted on the site during the implementation of the project;
    • creating the monthly pages of an annual calendar of the project (with pictures and information of the activities performed) and online publication;
    • an album which will include the events established in the project: Wedding, Baptism, Winter Celebrations and Easter Celebrations; each project partner will have separate space on the website to post specific information for each event (rituals, history, gastronomy, decorations, music and dance); during the development of the activities in the project, the information will be posted and updated by the person responsible for IT from each country of the project.
    • a festival of cultures: during each learning/teaching activity
    • decorations/ornaments: during each learning/teaching activity, students will create various ornaments/decorations for the specific events from the project
    • making some videos, presentations (using various applications) representative for the project activities; during the learning/teaching activities there will be some presentations about cultural sights, tourist attractions, historical events and recipes from the traditional gastronomy;
    • preparing materials to present the country, the city and the school at the beginning of each learning/teaching activity;
    • showing relevant photos of the learning/teaching activities or of transnational project meetings on a noticeboard;
    • final products made during workshops.
    • willingness to find out more about the culture and the customs of the project partners;
    • gaining more knowledge of the culture, history, traditions of the project partners;
    • improving language skills (written and oral);
    • exchanging experience and good practices that will lead to the improvement of teaching
    • increasing students’ self-esteem and motivation to learn;
    • increasing ICT skills;