About Schools

  • The Economic Technological High School of Tourism

    Starting with the 1st of September 2004, The Economic Vocational School of Tourism was established on the former structure of School no. 37, having in its first year a number of 26 classrooms, on the following educational levels:
    - primary school,
    - secondary school,
    - technological high school, services
    - school of arts and crafts in the following fields- commerce
    public food industryand tourism.
             On the 1
    st of September 2006, The Economic Vocational School of Tourismtook over “Mircea cel Batran” School no. 16currently - Building B. 
             On the 1st of September 2012, The Economic Vocational School of Tourism changed its name into: The Economic Technological High School of Tourism.
             In 20122015 and 2018, our institution received the title of European Schoolfor its performances acquired in the field of European cooperation and its contribution to promoting and developing the European dimension of education. 
    Educational offer for High School –

    1st Field: Tourism and Food Industry – Technician in Tourism and Banqueting Organiser
       - for the Vocational Education (the same field of study) – Cooks and Waiters
    2nd Field: Commerce – Procurement and Contracting Technician
                                          –  Commerce Technician

      - for the Vocational Education (the same field of study) – Trader – Seller

    3rd Field: Economics – Technician in Economic Activities

    The Economic Technological High School of Tourism offers: 
    - theoretical and practical training that will enable students to acquire knowledge and skills that will help graduates in their future development, 
    - modern teaching to promote multilingualism and the attitude of an active European citizen,
    - the conditions conducive to the development of the young generation , the conditions for the free expression and participation in various projects, 
    - teaching, which emphasizes creativity, the ability to use modern technology and communication in foreign languages 
    - an opportunity to engage in voluntary activities, the environment, ecology and other important issues of our time.

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     Björknäsgymnasiet in Boden is a Public Upper Secondary School

    Boden is a small town located in the very north of Sweden, close to the Arctic Circle.

    The school have approximately 65 teachers and 1100 students.    

    The school has ten national programs within both vocational and academic lines of study. Our school have one program for students with special needs and different programs for newly arrived refugees from many other countries, for example Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Russia and Pakistan. This year, our school was appointed to become an EU ambassador's school and we are very proud of that.   

    In our school we have specific expertise in cultural history, Swedish for refugees, music, English and other languages. Three of the school's most popular programs are the program for prospective economists, the restaurant program and the vehicle technology program.    

    The school have been taking part in many international projects and our teachers have very good knowledge of the English language and we are also highly competent when it comes to information technology.  The teachers at the music, English and history program have a high level of education which is a guarantee for us to maintain a high academic level.


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    AERT3 School Cluster

            Is an education state institution supervised and financed by the Portuguese government. It comprises nursery schools, elementary schools, a preparatory school and  secondary school , totaling 3300 students and 254 teachers.  It is well aware of the community, as well as its needs. The quality of its service allows the balanced development of children and young people, enabling them to acquire useful qualifications in order to pursue higher education, or to be better prepared for the world of work. Its organization bears in mind not only the individual’s educational and professional success but also the exercise of full citizenship, taking into account the diversity of the curricula on offer, as well as the cultural, social and economic background of its surrounding environment. The aim of our school is to promote diversity and lifelong learning.

          The school community facilitates social and civil activities. To enhance learning and achievement, school develops a variety of skills through systematic work and support by additional teaching in school and at home.

          Teachers stand at the forefront of educational challenge and are responsible for a wide range of duties, demands and expectations. They are expected to be capable of equipping students with a variety of skills that allows them to successfully face life in society. The teachers from our school have experience in implementing different types of projects, Comenius, Erasmus+, eTwinning  co-ordinating them or being partners. Several teachers are already involved in the Curricular Flexibility Project.

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    Budapesti Gazdasági Szakképzési Centrum Csete Balázs Szakközépiskolája

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