Roadmap to Building a Caring and Respectful School Community


Schools are social environments and there will be times when there are disagreements, when relationships become strained and when conflicts arise. Sometimes this leads to bullying, sometimes the bullying is motivated by other factors including attitudes or values which may lead some children and young people to treat others negatively because of their appearance, gender or background. It is important that the school community have a shared understanding about what bullying is and what it isn’t. Misconceptions and unwillingness sometimes to confront unpleasant realities can also present barriers to effective approaches. In our project the aim is to share and develop strategies that will provide better awareness about bullying for: teachers/staff in school so that they can spot the bullying and know how to support individuals; students (victims and bystanders) so that they feel that they can report incidents; parents so that they have ways to support their children and school policy.

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