
  • 27/10/2017   İSTANBUL

    09:00    Meeting at the hotel loby 

                Offical Opening (Short Speech-Headmaster)

                School Trip

    10:15 Coffee Break

    10:30  Getting to know each other (Video, PPT etc)

                Short presentation of the project

                Calendar of activities with objectives, tasks, results, responsibilities, deadlines etc...

    12:45    Lunch

    14:15   Calendar of activities with objectives, tasks, results, responsibilities, deadlines etc...

    15:30  Coffe Break

    15:45  Calendar of activities with objectives, tasks, results, responsibilities, deadlines etc...

    17:00  Leaving school for Hotel

    19:30 Meeting at loby for Dinner

    28/10/2017   İSTANBUL

    09:00    Meeting at the hotel loby 

    09:30    Communication among schools, school community  and  environment

                  Process of logo selection

                  Dissemination actions

    10:15  Coffee Break

    10:30   Next Meeting,  First LTA (Spain)                                                                                  

                  Code of behavior for students  

    12:45    Lunch

    14:15  Comments and questions

    15:30 Coffe Break

    15:45  Comments and questions

    17:00 Leaving School For Hotel

    19:30 Meeting at loby for Dinner

    29-30/10/2017   İSTANBUL (Culturel Visits)