A comic story

  • Kuba, Poland


    Julia, Poland


    Patryk, Poland


    Ewela, Poland



    Roza, Turkey


    Şevvall ,Turkey








    Elif Betül,Turkey






    Julia, Poland


    Olga, Poland



    Jasiek, Poland


    Paweł, Poland















    Write a story of a famous person - choose the topic from the examples given below:

    1.Louis Braille. On Jan 4, 1809, Louis Braille was born. After suffering an accident and an eye infection, Louis went blind at three. He later went on to invent Braille raised dot system that is still used today by blind people for reading and writing. How do you think your life would be different if you were blind? If you are blind, how do you think your life would be different if you could see?

    2.On January 15, 1936, Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, established the Ford Foundation. This organization supports a variety of causes, including artistic and educational programs. Think - If you were able to create your charitable foundation, what type of foundation would it be and who would you help?

    3.On March 3, 1847, inventor Alexander Graham Bell was born.  Bell is probably best known for his development of the telephone.  What do you think our telephones will be like in 20 years


    Applications: MakeBeliefsComics/ Pixton/ Witty Comics/Toondoo