Instructions - OUR PLAN

  • 1. March

    • Introduce the project to students, discuss the goals
    • Get to know the partners using Twinspace
    • Design the logo – schools can decide if they want to take part in the logo contest (depending on time possibilities)
    • Read the fairy tales, in which some food is mentioned – for example Stone soup or Gingerbread man. The stories can be watched as well.
    • Building vocabulary.

    2. March - April

    • Pupils working in groups think of their own story and make recipe with a story, they can add a special (magic) ingredience to make the recipe perfect. Write a short story (a fairy tale or a comic) where the meal, which they made the recipe for, is mentioned. Add pictures to the story (This  activity can be done in Art lessons)
    • Make 2 or 3 questions (or true/false statements) which follow the story – these should be used for reading comprehension

    3. April

    • Write  the recipe, share the recipes, comment in Twinspace
    • Make the meal, take photos or shoot a video (if it is possible do this activity at school or at home)

    4. April-May

    • Write one common short story with the topic- The partners take turns and add sentences to make a story.
    • (optional or follow-up activity – depending on time possibilities: Give 5 ingredients to partner school and they should make a recipe using them)

    5. May

    • Reading the stories of the partner schools. Answering the questions. Reading comprehension.

    6. June

    • Creating the book with stories and recipes

    7. June

    • Evaluation, Dissemination