YEL LOGO contest

  • Dear participants,
    We would like to announce the YEL project logo competition.

    - the logo should be used as the main symbol of the project
    - any YEL club can send up to 5 logo designs - they can be designed by anybody reached by the club (e.g. students, teachers, graphic enthusiasts,  profesional designers)
    - every YEL club will vote on the 3 best designs - the first one gets 3 points, the second 2 points and third 1 point (voting procedure should be decided in every YEL club)
    - maximum size is 500x500 pixels

    Logo designs can be uploaded on the Twinspace till November 29th 2015 (in the special YEL LOGO CONTEST folders -  for PDF files or JPG pictures - or other)

    Every club can create also their own logo used for the particular club"

    Instruction videos: